Satoshi Goto


  Satoshi Goto

Satoshi Goto received his B.E. degree, M.E. degree and doctorate in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Waseda University.

After receiving his doctorate, he joined Central Research Laboratories of NEC where he worked for 31 consecutive years. He was General Manager of C&C Media Research Laboratories and Vice President in charge of computer, software and networking research. After leaving NEC in 2002, he became Chief Executive of Kitakyushu Foundation for the Advancement of Industry, Science and Technology. He became Professor at the Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems at Waseda University, Kitakyushu in April, 2003. He was also a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley. In research, Dr. Goto worked on Computer Aided Design for VLSI, Artificial Intelligence approach to VLSI design and combinatorial optimization methods for large scale problems. He is the author or co-author of over 80 papers in VLSI design and Computer Aided Design.

He has served many conferences as an Executive committee member. Among those are the General Chair and Program Chair of ICCAD, General Chair of ASPDAC and committee member of DAC and ISCAS. He was a member of the Board of Director of the IEEE Circuits and Systems, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering and Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence. Dr. Goto is a fellow of IEEE and a member of the Engineering Academy of Japan. He has received a number of awards and honors, including Distinguished Achievement Awards from the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering, and the same award from Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence, the best paper award from ICCC and Jubilee Medal from IEEE.

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