Expert in electroactive platforms based on polyelectrolyte multilayers
Tomaso Zambelli
In-situ interconnecting and addressing of individual nanowires

Project Description

With this project, we propose a new approach toward the in-situ addressing of nanowires. The starting point is the fluidFM, an atomic force microscope (AFM) provided with microchanneled cantilevers for local liquid dispensing and stimulation of single living cells under physiological conditions. On the one hand, the accurate force feedback of the AFM allows for a reliable and automated approach of the cantilever tip onto both hard and soft surfaces. On the other hand, such microchanneled cantilevers may be loaded with whatever soluble molecules. Because of the size match between the tip aperture and the nanowire dimensions, the FluidFM is the adapted tool to locally modify devices made of nanowires.  

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Notable publications

FluidFM as lithography tool in liquid: Spatially controlled deposition of nanoparticles
R. Gruter, J. Voros, T. Zambelli

Posters from 2012

FluidFM: A new Approach to Scanning Probe Lithography in Liquid

Posters from 2011

Spatially controlled deposition of nanoparticles